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Stage 1 - Information Gathering

In this stage, I work closely with you to collect as much information about your company as I can. We explore all opportunities of presenting your company in the best possible light. Sometimes employees and customers will reveal more to an outsider, especially if they feel their voices can be anonymous.

All activities can be conducted via conference calls and/or e-mails.

Understand your target customer profiles

Your marketing folks help me here, by describing who you are trying to sell to.

Understand your Existing Products/Services

With the customer profiles in mind, I need your existing marketing and product description material, to review if it is directed accurately at that profile. Also, I see if I can understand your products/services from the material. I have a technology background with a marketer’s eye, so we’ll see if it conveys the message you want. I can make some recommendations at this stage for cleaning up the wording and meaning.

Conduct a High-level Market Analysis

I’ll do a quick analysis of your industry and competition. We determine if they have already done some of the legwork and possibly use it as a compare and contrast. Of course, we review this information with your legal counsel.

Meet With Your Support, Technical & Marketing Staff

Collect issues they have discovered in your products/services over the years and see if they have suggestions for topics.

Meet With Existing Customers from a list provided by you

Get feedback from customers. We may discover new opportunities, even if they are happy with your company.

Click Here to See Stage 2 Details


To get started, please e-mail me at or call me at 678-935-7343.

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